Friday, July 31, 2020

Considering Hiring a Resume Writer Heres What You Need to Consider - Hallie Crawford

Considering Hiring a Resume Writer Here's What You Need to Consider As of late, I worked with a customer that was exceptionally reluctant about employing a resume essayist and amazingly sketchy about the procedure. I get this and needed to give you a few proposals. On the off chance that you are thinking about employing a resume essayist and have concerns or are battling in observing the estimation of a resume author, this is for you. As a matter of first importance, comprehend the estimation of an expertly composed resume. Here is the REAL expense of delaying your hunt: The normal pursuit of employment is 16 weeks. (If there is a breakdown in the economy like 2011, at that point a pursuit of employment can take up to twice as long.) If you make $50,000 every year, your multi week quest for new employment costs you $15,384.62 or $961.38 every week in lost salary. On the off chance that you make $100,000 every year, your 16 week quest for new employment costs you $30,769.23 or $1923.07 every week in lost salary. The small investment you make in your expertly planned resume, introductory letter, and employment battle will get you more meetings quicker and cut a long time off your search, which converts into cash in your bank! Pick a resume essayist that gets you. A resume essayist that shows restraint, understanding, direct and in particular genuine. The exact opposite thing you need is to pay for something you needn't bother with. However, on that equivalent note, understand the significance a resume author may play in the subsequent stage of your vocation move or your progress. Understand that it is a procedure. Your resume essayist doesn't have the foggiest idea about all the complexities of your vocation, the difficulties you confronted, or the achievements made, so they ought to pose intriguing inquiries which empower you to answer every one of those and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Realize that it is an organization. They can just work off the data you give. It isn't workable for them to guess what you might be thinking, and they're not a bug on the divider to know all that you did in your profession. A historical verification is regularly not part of the procedure, and they can't naturally comprehend the abbreviations of your exceptional industry/exchange/organization, or know points of interest of your situation without you giving that data. So be straightforward, and pending, it will be to your greatest advantage. Comprehend the job of your resume. Your resume serves to get your foot in the entryway and not to list all that you've done since you were 16. The subtleties ought to be left for the meeting! What's more, the unimportant experience ought to be de-underscored or excluded. Such a large number of individuals intuitively need to incorporate everything, including their kitchen sink. Know and comprehend that your resume isn't the spot for that! You truly have 10-15 seconds to establish a connection. Leave it alone great! Not hindered with subtleties. Not tedious and loaded with botches. Not conflicting and exhausting. Your resume is generally your first chance to establish a connection, no renewed opportunities. It ought to be brimming with dynamic action words, loaded with quantifiable achievements, brimming with your pertinent and material offer, brimming with results and victories. So next time you are considering employing a resume essayist, remember the abovementioned. For your venture, you have recruited somebody to take the plenty of data you give to make an eye catching archive that adequately features your incentive for the situation of intrigue. We trust this data is useful to you. What's more, thank you to one of our resume specialists, Jasmine Marchong, for this article and the resume tips. Timetable a free talk with today

Friday, July 24, 2020

10 Characteristics of a Social Leader - Workology

10 Characteristics of a Social Leader - Workology KEY ATTRIBUTES OF SOCIAL BUSINESS LEADERS ** On June 14, I had the great fortune to attend the Working Mother Media 2nd Annual Women’s Leadership Summit on the Business of Social Media in New York City. The sessions were as informative as they were engaging, the panelists were bright, driven and compelling, and the networking opportunities were fantastic. Here are some key takeaways from this amazing day. ASTOUNDING STATS SHARED BY SOCIAL LEADERS 20% customer satisfaction improvement by companies using social (Sandy Carter, IBM) 54% of companies expect to support their customer service processes with social capabilities within two years.* 57% of consumers always go to social first to resolve an issue (Elizabeth Closmore, Sprinklr) 64% of teens with Twitter accounts say their tweets are public (Catherine Mathis, SP) 73% of CEOs today feel that social is the #1 customer engagement tool (Sandy Carter, IBM) During a session on social ROI, Elizabeth Closmore from Sprinklr said, “This isnt social media anymore. Its social business.” Wow. That could have been the tagline for the entire conference. In a white paper from IBM (a conference sponsor), they report that “There are leaders across specific industries who do understand that social business represents an enormous opportunity to … fuel substantial value creation.” So, what does it take to be a social leader? KEY ATTRIBUTES OF SOCIAL BUSINESS LEADERS ** Transparent:  What does it really mean to be transparent when it comes to social business? Transparency is a building block of social strategies. It means that you are not afraid to hide who you are or who you work for and that you’re willing to open up yourself (and company) to a boundless audience. Breaks down silos:   Social leaders don’t like corporate silos. They encourage collaboration across teams, departments, disciplines and geography, and the use of social tools to support the collaboration. Authentic:   This is another word that is often thrown around when speaking about social. I thought it meant the same thing as transparent; however, transparent is more about being open, while authentic is more about being honest. Likeable:   Social leaders are, well, sociable. People like working with them and being around them. They inspire, lead and are approachable. Collaborative:   Encouraging the use of social in effort to be more collaborative is important to social leaders. Quick decision maker:   If you have to wait a year to make big decisions, youll be behind. Social leaders can quickly assess, analyze and make decisions. Explorer of new tools:   With the technology changing all of the time and the emergence of new sites, platforms and technologies, the social leader seeks to understand whats going   and stay on top of industry trends. Active networker: Social creates the opportunity to  expand your network  and maintain ongoing communications. Leaders in social business know how to tap into the power of social media to forge meaningful connections. Seeks out new ideas:   I think this one ties back to #7 but in addition to new tools, social leaders want to learn from thought leaders in other businesses or industries, and seek out knowledge from a variety of sources. Passionate about engagement:   Isnt this what its all about? Engaging our teams, employees, customers and communities. If youre not passionate about engaging, youre probably not going to be passionate about social business. Interested in more insights from the conference? Check out Lisa Bonner’s article on “Top Companies Leverage Internal Social Networks” or search Twitter using #WMSocial and follow @WMConferences.  What do you make of all these new statistics?   * IBM | Social Business Patterns in achieving social business success, April 2013 ** From  co-chair remarks by  Sandy Carter, VP of Social Business Evangelism and Sales, IBM Corporation

Friday, July 17, 2020

Leaders, Do You Have a Traffic Problem

Pioneers, Do You Have a 'Traffic' Problem Pioneers, Do You Have a 'Traffic' Problem As of late, I went over a famous unattributed quote skimming around on the web (in an image, obviously). It states, You are not stranded in rush hour gridlock, you are traffic. Its an amazing remark on the inclination of individuals to expel themselves from fault in terrible circumstances â€" and theres a business exercise to pull from this thought, as well. Pioneers, if something in your association isnt working â€" regardless of whether it be exhausting gatherings or ineffective correspondence â€" Ive got some intense news: Youre part of the issue. The uplifting news, be that as it may, is you can fix things on the off chance that you resolve to change. As a business mentor, I work with organizations to recognize these traffic issues, and I assist pioneers with sanctioning change through utilization of the Rockefeller Habits, an assortment of business essentials created by Verne Harnish. The propensities arent simply well disposed updates or general rules â€" they are the collected prescribed procedures of the universes most cultivated associations. The Rockefeller Habits are compelling, however they require genuine exertion from a pioneer ready to acknowledge obligation regarding authoritative issues. On the off chance that you perceive traffic issues at your association and are eager to acknowledge obligation, here are two fundamental steps to take on the off chance that you need to kill those issues: Stage 1: Create Meeting Rhythms Building up meeting musicality is an extraordinary method to guarantee that fast, steady, and precise correspondence continues spilling out of start to finish (and base to top) in your association. Set up a musicality of regularly planned, steady gatherings where your colleagues can talk about things for which they are responsible and that help hierarchical and singular needs. In my work, I have discovered that one of the most basic and compelling gatherings is the day by day group. Presently, a great deal of pioneers sneer when I demand that they need to add another gathering to their every day plans, yet trust me: This one is essential to authoritative achievement. Put aside a period every morning for your whole group (yes â€" the whole group) to accumulate for 10-15 minutes. At this gathering, everybody ought to talk about their day by day plans and some other data the remainder of the group should know, progress on key execution markers, assignments they need assistance with or are stuck on, and nonnegotiable needs that should be cultivated that day. As a pioneer, ensure to prep for each cluster with expectation and energy! Accumulate already a couple of elevated level bits of knowledge that the whole group has to think about, and toss in a bit of a bonus from an individual point of view, for example, an ongoing success or battle youve experienced. In the event that you exhibit an ability to share, others will figure out how to do likewise. The before you know it, individuals will really anticipate the group and even rely upon it. Another gathering we support is an every other week one-on-one. This is an open door for a colleague to plunk down with an administrator to talk straightforwardly and really about outstanding tasks at hand, moving needs, battles at work, and even battles at home. Beside giving pioneers within scoop on group usefulness, these gatherings give representatives the chance to vent to somebody who can take action on the issue. Something else, a workers cynicism could spread to others in the workplace. Stage 2: Install Accountability The subsequent advance is to consolidate responsibility into these gatherings, guaranteeing that colleagues are doing the things they have vowed to do. Each and every colleague in your association should leave these new gatherings with things to do or following stages towards an objective. In the event that theyre not, the gatherings arent being utilized effectively. (No big surprise theyre exhausting for a portion of your kin!) Furthermore, you should keep an eye on undertakings relegated in past gatherings to remain refreshed on their status and following stages. Setting up a plan of conversation themes for each gathering can help keep gatherings on target. Indeed, even an unpleasant blueprint can help reign in discussion and keep individuals concentrated on the bigger objective close by. During these gatherings, track the discussion on an obvious medium, for example, a report or a whiteboard. A visual portrayal of objectives, things to do, and updates is an intense and vital approach to keep individuals sorted out and on target. â€" The purpose of more brilliant gatherings is to open up correspondence and help colleagues achieve their objectives. At the point when you set up reliable rhythms, those bothersome traffic issues will turn into a relic of days gone by. Prepared to attempt it in your association? JT Terrell is a guaranteed Petra Coach.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Double-Entry Bookkeeping vs. Single-Entry Accounting

Twofold Entry Bookkeeping versus Single-Entry Accounting Twofold Entry Bookkeeping versus Single-Entry Accounting On the off chance that you maintain a business it is possible that you ought to have a comprehension of fundamental accounting or you should enlist somebody who does. There are two primary kinds of bookkeeping strategies to consider and picking which one is directly for your business isn't so difficult, yet that doesn't mean figuring out how to ace accounting is a breeze. Representing a Sole Proprietorship In the event that you are a solopreneur running working as a sole ownership, the single record technique will most likely be fine for your bookkeeping needs and surely significantly simpler to learn. There are preferences to the twofold passage bookkeeping strategy, in any case, that ought to be thought of. A twofold section framework expands responsibility a significant factor on the off chance that you have financial specialists. The twofold section technique likewise permits you to all the more effectively plan monetary statements. Most bookkeeping programming programs (Quicken, Quickbooks, and so on.) utilize the twofold passage method. ? On the off chance that you do need to utilize the twofold section technique and are inexperienced with bookkeeping, consider employing a virtual clerk, a bookkeeper, or buy private venture bookkeeping programming. The following are clarifications of the two kinds of passage techniques just as a short diagram of fiscal reports. It is imperative to save precise records for your own arranging and planning purposes, yet in addition to give reports to financial specialists, banks, and obviously, the expense man. Twofold Entry Bookkeeping Twofold passage accounting is a bookkeeping strategy to adjust a business books. For each diary passage credit (recorded under the companys value side), there is an equivalent diary section charge (recorded under the companys resources side.) All credit and charge passages are classified utilizing a Chart of Accounts. Reason for Double-Entry Bookkeeping The reason and objective of twofold passage accounting are to enter money related exchange records so when budget summaries and reports are run, the companys resources are equivalent to its liabilities in addition to proprietors value (total assets). This equation is communicated in bookkeeping terms as: Resources Liabilities Owners Equity (Net Worth) Making Entries Using the Double-Entry Accounting In the twofold passage bookkeeping technique each diary section exchange is recorded in the diary once, however influences two distinct records (utilizing a Chart of Accounts): The primary section shows an adjustment in the advantages side - the charge entry.The second passage shows a change on the values side - the credit passage. The twofold section technique can be extremely confounding from the start however when passages are appropriately recorded the record books will adjust in light of the fact that the aggregate of all credit sections will be equivalent to the aggregate of charge passages. The twofold section bookkeeping strategy is utilized by most organizations all through the world. In any case, a few organizations that have carefully money exchanges may utilize the single passage accounting strategy. The single accounting technique records sections once and is a bookkeeping strategy much like the way individuals record checks and stores in a financial records register. The twofold section bookkeeping technique is utilized by most organizations all through the world. In any case, a few organizations that have carefully money exchanges may utilize the single-section bookkeeping technique for accounting. The single-section accounting technique records passages once and doesn't adjust the exchange by recording a contradicting credit or charge. Single-passage bookkeeping is basic and simple to ace. It works like the bookkeeping technique individuals use to accommodate their checkbooks: Checks are recorded and stores in a financial records register. For a business, salary is recorded (once) and costs are recorded (once) and the business books are adjusted simply like a financial records. The twofold passage strategy can be befuddling from the outset and regularly requires an information on bookkeeping rehearses. In any case, when sections are appropriately recorded the record books will adjust on the grounds that the aggregate of all credit passages will be equivalent to the aggregate of charge passages. Fiscal summaries Fiscal summaries are reports that show how pay and costs have influenced the organization all in all. They give a depiction of the current money related remaining of the business. There are numerous sorts of money related reports, however the three fundamental, basic fiscal reports are: Monetary record: Summarizes the benefits, liabilities, and total assets (proprietors value) of a business on a specific date.Income Statement: (Also called Profit and Loss Statement.) A bookkeeping explanation that shows the benefit or misfortune for a business, by deducting costs from its income, over a particular timeframe, normally for a quarter or year.Cash Flow Statement: A bookkeeping proclamation that estimates money receipts and distributions for a predefined period.

Friday, July 3, 2020

How to Write a Great Linkedin Headline

How to Write a Great Linkedin Headline If youve been following my Linkedin advice, youll know Im big on Linkedin profile optimization and how to make your Linkedin profile work for your career goals.  In this post, I want to take profile optimization one step further to ensure that you are creating the right first impression when found AND leaving hiring managers and recruiters wanting more. Your first impression on Linkedin will make the difference between your profile being clicked on (and explored further) or skimmed past by the right people, so it’s important that you get it right! The 2 Most Important Profile Parts The first thing people see when browsing their list of returned search results on Linkedin is your photo headline. These two profile pieces make up your  first impression to the outside world, so they’re worth spending time on. While fairly easy to set-up, the photo and headline can just as easily be overlooked so take some time to carefully craft both. Whether you realize it or not, your photo and headline communicate who you are, what you do and whether or not you have potential to be the best person for the job (all within a few seconds). This message you are communicating  is your professional brand and will determine how you are perceived by hiring managers and recruiters throughout your career.  Check this out if you need a refresher on Linkedin profile photos. Your Headline Strategy Most people tend to think of the Linkedin headline as the perfect place for a job title but this is not entirely correct. Since job titles vary from one company/industry to the next, they tend to tell the reader very little in terms of what you actually do, making for a potentially confusing brand. As I mentioned, your goal with the headline is to communicate immediately what you do and what you’re all about so avoid sticking just to titles if you don’t want to leave your reader confused.  You should also incorporate a description with your title that paints a picture for the reader of exactly what you do. The Basics: Characters, Sentences, Phrases That Sleek  Separator Line Linkedin allows 120 characters for the headline and places specific importance on the keywords in your headline in terms of how you’ll be returned in search results.  Therefore you’ll want to max out the character limit so that you are taking full advantage of your strategic keywords. Don’t worry about forcing complete sentences if they don’t fit.  It’s perfectly fine to use short phrases or words using the separator line “|” to create a more high-impact easy-to-scan headline.  (The separator line is located below the delete key on your keyboard using Shift + backslash). What to Write Think of the headline as a condensed version of your elevator pitch. In fewer characters than a tweet, you want to communicate: who you are, what you do, results you’ve produced, and credibility or proof. This may seem near impossible but it’s actually quite simple if you’re focused on who you’re trying to attract to your profile. One way to do this is by putting yourself in the hiring manager’s shoes. If you were trying to hire the best person for the job, what would they do and what results/credentials would stand out as being impressive at first glance?  For example, if you’re hoping to be hired as a social media marketer in the non-profit space, your hiring manager is looking for strong social media results and thinking of their limited budget. Your headline might look something like this: “Social Media Digital Marketer driving successful campaigns on a tight  budget. 500% increase in ROI in the past 6 months.” If you’re hoping to be noticed as an executive assistant, your target hiring manager is likely looking for someone who can multi-task, maintain order in a busy office and understands what it means to support an executive.  You might consider a headline like this: “Executive Assistant | Right Hand to CEO VPs | Flawless Office Organization Administrative Duties | Complex Scheduling” Notice how these headlines immediately communicate value? I’ll break these headlines down further to explain each part. Who You Are “Social Media Digital Marketer” speaks to who this person is as a professional.  The easiest way to communicate this is your job title or a broader industry/profession title. For example, if your title is “Social Media Marketer,” adding “Digital” into the mix will help to ensure that you are picked up in the right category searches. Research other common titles for what you do and try incorporating several so that you are catering to a wider variety of search terms.  For example Executive Assistant | Coordinator | Administrative Assistant What You Do While some titles may be more than obvious in telling someone what you do, you still want to share specifics to guide the reader in the direction of your professional value. For example, “Social Media Marketer” doesn’t offer insight into the day to day value this person brings to the organization, but “driving successful campaigns on a tight  budget,” gives me a very clear picture of what this person is working on. Think about your tasks as well as the big-picture vision for your role and what makes you valuable to your manager (or future manager). Results You’ve Produced Leading with your results is always the best move when it comes to your professional marketing materials (resume, cover letter).  The best way to communicate results is through numbers or metrics.  In the Social Media Marketer example, “driving successful campaigns” is backed up by the fact that this Marketer increased ROI by 500% over several months.  Results are important because they tell the reader that you not only can do the job but you are actually quite good at what you do. (There’s a big difference between doing something and doing something well).  If you’re not sure about your results or haven’t produced any yet, try to incorporate language that speaks to your skill around various tasks.  The Executive Assistant example is what you want to aim for in this case. Proof of Credibility If you’re looking for ways to stand out and speak to proof of your credibility around a certain skill or industry, be sure to include certifications, specialized degrees (ie. MBA, CPA) and recognizable awards or accolades. For example, if you’re a blogger who’s been featured on a major website or publication, work that into your headline.  Your first impression and level of credibility are vastly different when you go from “Blogger” to “Blogger featured on Mashable.” Keep it Fresh Professional branding is one of those career management activities that can take relatively little time but does require ongoing maintenance in order to keep your brand current, relevant and aligned to your end goal. It’s important that your branding not be left to go stale. Don’t be afraid to try out new headlines and continually tweak as your career goals change.  This way you will always be appearing in the right places and more likely to be considered for the right opportunities. Take a moment and update your Linkedin profile so you can start attracting the right hiring managers and/or clients. After its up to date, leave it in the comments below to show it off and receive feedback! To learn more about Linkedin and how to be fully optimized for your job search, click here.