Saturday, January 4, 2020

Are You a Bad Boss #INFOGRAPHIC - Spark Hire

Are You a Bad Boss INFOGRAPHIC - Spark HireNot too long ago Spark Hire took a look at what made a poor manager and suggested that managers all over the country evaluate their own habits. Being a badeanstalt manager can really hurt your company culture and your teams productivity as well. Considering such information, when we came across this infographic from we couldnt help but pass it along. What do you think makes up a bad boss in your employees eyes?Well for starters, its great to see that 63 percent of employees stated that they were satisfied with their job. At the same time, that leave 37 percent that are either dissatisfied or neutral towards their job with 12 percent completely dissatisfied. Its also not very surprising to see that job satisfaction increases as the pay scale rises. Only 52 percent of those that make less than $50,000 a year are satisfied with their job while 69 percent of those that make more than $100,000 a year feel the same. So who do you think i s more satisfied with their job younger or older employees?Perhaps that question is redundant because according to the infographic 56 percent of employees aged 20-29 are satisfied while 75 percent of employees aged 60-69 feel the same. Its probably safe to say that older employees are more secure in their career as they have been it for quite some time while younger employees are just starting off. Lets get into the nitty gritty of the graphic though. Did you know that 16 percent of employees stated that their boss took credit for their ideas? That would certainly qualify as bad boss material. 16 percent also said their boss asked them to change their vacation plans. Are these people working for the same bosses?Take a look at the infographic below and see what things you should avoid so as to not be labeled a bad boss by your employees.