Monday, December 30, 2019

Women with female role models set more ambitious goals

Women with female role models platzdeckchen more ambitious goalsWomen with female role models set more ambitious goalsBefore you can be who you want to become, it helps if you can see it. A new survey from Lean Cuisine and New York University psychology professor Emily Balcetisfound that women raise the bar when they have female role models that they can emulate.Women get more ambitious when they have ambitious women in their lifeSomeone believing in you can make all the difference. The survey had female role models accompany the participants as they chose life goals in an experiment. The survey found that 89% of women set more ambitious goals in the presence of other women they admire, and 77% chose bigger goals in the aspects of life they saw as most important.Having a female role model was a physical, daily reminder of career ambition. The women chose higher salaries and longer hours at work when they were in the presence of a woman they admired.What was most compelling in this ex periment was how women close to us can help to relieve the societal pressure to have it all, and instead focus each other to achieve her all, Balcetis said about the results. We saw women helping other women identify their truest versions of themselves and encouraging them to strike for higher potential.This finding is consistent with other studies on the power of women having female role models. When women are in male-dominated fields, that woman mentor who they can confide in and commiserate with can be the difference between them staying or quitting. Women keep women in engineering, one study found. Female engineering students who had a female peer mentor in their major became more confident and were less likely to drop out.When you know someone ahead of you has walked in your shoes, the long, hard path of your career becomes easier to walk.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Women, stop apologizing Embrace an attitude of gratitude

Women, stop apologizing Embrace an attitude of gratitudeWomen, stop apologizing Embrace an attitude of gratitudeIm a recovering apologizer. I didnt realize it until someone pointed it out to me, but I used to apologize constantly. Id apologize if the barista messed up my drink and had to remake it. I apologized if a client ran over their allotted time. I apologized as a way to make koranvers that there was no misunderstanding about who I was a kind woman.Not to be mistaken for one of those uber aggressive, domineering and often off-putting in the workplace women.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreMy best friends other best friend pointed out this flaw to me right around the time I turned 30. We had just met in New York City and spent some time together. She was one of those women who carried a cool confidence-a revered lawyer, quick-witted, tell it like it is, beautiful, kind, inte resting and a great friend. One day she turned to me, soon after we met, and said, Why do you apologize all the time?The first words that wanted to flow out of my mouth were, Im sorry. The irony is not lost on me. How could I have gone almost 30 years on the planet without noticing this about myself? And if she was bold enough to point it out, how many other people have I annoyed or bothered over the years with this trait?I knew I had to quit apologizing. This was a trained habit, though. My entire life was spent saying Im sorry. I realized I did this most often at the worst place to do it at work. The plethora of sorrys, that I hoped would convey that I wasnt aggressive, were hurting how people saw me in the office. It dawned on me that when I would apologize unnecessarily, and too often, it would give off this nervous energy. That energy was a neatly wrapped package of low confidence. All the while I thought I was showing the world my kindness. I was actually showcasing how I was nt sure if I felt like I belonged there.This brought me to my next conclusion-I didnt think I belonged. I was apologizing for my presence, just in case it wasnt enough. This is fundamentally ridiculous. I went to a great college, I have wonderful relationships with my previous bosses and I am good at my job. Of course, I belonged. Yet there I was, at thirty years old, feeling the need to apologize for myself. And maybe in some way, I was apologizing for overcoming years of female oppression, coming out of the kitchen and showing up to the workplace capable of doing any job a man can do.I stopped apologizing for anything that didnt involve me directly hurting someone elses feelings. What I found was this eliminated about ninety-five percent of my apologies.I stepped into an attitude of gratitude. Instead of apologizing to someone for having to fix work they messed up, I would thank them for their hard work. Instead of apologizing to a client for overstepping their billable hours, I w ould thank them for understanding theyd have to be billed more this month due to the extra work.I talked to a woman who owns two businesses. We touched on this topic briefly, and she mentioned a phrase her grandfather used to use, Dont be afraid to take up space. This was what I needed to hear. To every woman out there take up space. You earned that space.The more we show up to work (and life) without apologizing for our presence, the better off we will be. If all women pull up a chair and sit in their confidence, there will be no doubt that we belong there. I know I belong. So do you. Lets not apologize for it.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How to Ask a Former Boss to Mentor You - The Muse

How to Ask a Former Boss to Mentor You - The MuseHow to Ask a Former Boss to Mentor YouDear HR Professional,I think my former boss would make a great mentor. How do I go about asking him in a way that isnt awkward?Signed,Modest MenteeDear Modest Mentee,First things first, congratulations Youre taking a great step forward on your path of self-improvement by considering who you want as a mentor. Oftentimes, having your former boss play that part is a natural fit. After all, they know the most about your performance- including where you excel and where you have room for growth. They also have mora experience, are further along in their careers, and may be better able to guide you as a result.But, lets face it- actually asking your former boss to mentor you is the nerve-wracking part. Here are four easy steps to help you pop that question. Step 1 Explain Your ReasoningYour previous manager might seem like a no-brainer option. But, that doesnt mean being a mentor is an obvious fit to them . Start your request by outlining why you think theyre a solid match.Were they a good coach? Were they able to give you honest, unfiltered feedback? Would you like to reach the same career aspirations? Do they have an extensive professional network?There are a million different reasons why you want them specifically to be personally invested in your growth. By articulating the why, you can better direct the goals of the relationship.Step 2 Outline Your GoalsSpeaking of goals, this step involves deciding what you want to get out of the mentorship. What does success look like for you and how could your former boss support you in that?Outlining your objectives from the outset gives your previous supervisor a clearer understanding of what youre aiming to achieve- which, in turn, allows them to get a better grasp on whether or bedrngnis they could actually help, as well as how much of a commitment theyre looking at. Step 3 Pop the QuestionOnce youve laid that groundwork, youre ready to m ake that ask.Whether you ask in-person or through email (this article explains how to do that) is up to you and the type of relationship you already have. Either way, you should be prepared with the following talking pointsWhy youre looking for a mentorWhy you think they can helpWhat youre hoping to achieveWhat youre willing to commit toPerhaps most importantly, dont forget to end by thanking them for their considerationStep 4 Monitor the CuesIf they are taking weeks or months to respond, now might not be the best time for them. Dont get offended or try to force it. Instead, leave it on a good note by sending a follow-up email stating that you assume theyre not interested, but that you still appreciate the awesome example they set for you in your career. Remember, you never know if theyll be available in the future or how your paths will cross againAsking your former boss to be your mentor can be nerve-wracking. But, in most cases, your supervisor will be flattered that you thought so highly of them. Put these steps to work, and youll make that request in a way thats polite, professional, and way less awkward than youre anticipating. Good luckThis article is part of our Ask an Expert series- a column dedicated to helping you tackle your biggest career concerns. Our experts are excited to answer all of your burning questions, and you can submit one by emailing us at editor(at)themuse(dot)com and using Ask an Honest HR Professional in the subject line.Your letter may be published in an article on The Muse. All letters to Ask an Expert become the property of Daily Muse, Inc and will be edited for length, clarity, and grammatical correctness.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Unify Index Finds Large Number of Employees Would Choose Flex Work Over Pay Raise

Unify Index Finds Large Number of Employees Would Choose Flex Work Over Pay Raise Unify Index Finds Large Number of Employees Would Choose Flex Work Over Pay Raise Employees are serious about flex work, said Bill Hurley, Chief Marketing Officer at Unify. In addition to nearly half of all employees preferring flex work over a pay raise, nearly one third said they would change employers if offered flexible work elsewhere. It is time to get on board- business leaders who ignore the Flex Work Imperative could find themselves suffering the loss of their best employees.In the full report, Unify provides best practices for how businesses can successfully implement flex work. It emphasizes how many employees would be satisfied with a few days per week working from home or the ability to work in the office for part of the day, and then schliff at home. Additionally, businesses can establish and document a virtual team code of conduct that outlines the things employees must do in order to ma ke flex work successful.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Intel accused of age discrimination after layoffs

Intel accused of age discrimination after layoffsIntel accused of age discrimination after layoffsAt Intel, your age may be the reason why you got the pink slip. According to a Wall Street Journal report citing documents it obtained from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the chip maker is being investigated for age discrimination claims by its former employees.Report average age of Intel employees in one layoff spree was 49The Journal said dozens of former employees sought legal advice on whether they could sue after a round of layoffs in 2016, and some of those disgruntled employees filed complaints with the federal watchdog. At Intel, the average layoff age skewed older. According to an internal document the Journal saw, the average age of employees being laid off in one set of 2,300 layoffs in 2016 was 49 years old, an age that was seven years older than the average age of the remaining employees.The EEOC would not confirm or deny whether it is investigating the ch ip maker.Intel said the layoffs were intended to fuel Intels evolution and refutes age discrimination claims. Factors such as age, race, national origin, gender, immigration status, or other personal demographics were not part of the process when we made those decisions, one of its spokespersons said in a statement.If EEOC finds sufficient evidence for it to pursue the matter further, it can start a class-action lawsuit against Intel. This is not the first time in recent months that a technology company has been called out for age bias. The EEOC is reportedly also investigating IBM after a ProPublica investigation into its employment practices. In the report, IBM was accused of getting rid of employees over 40 from their jobs by sidelining them, firing them, laying them off or forcing their rushed retirement. This past September, facebook inc was accused of not making inclusive space for older workers in two lawsuits.Age discrimination is happening more and moreWhy do so many tech c ompanies get tempted to flout age discrimination laws? Older workers can be expensive. Older employees tend to be more experienced and better paid than younger hires.One report found that Silicon Valley favors younger hires in general. The tech industry is hiring a disproportionately higher ratio of workers than non-tech up until the age of 48- indicating bias does exist that favors younger candidates, the report found. Younger hires may cut costs, but ageist hiring practices are illegal. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act makes it illegal to discriminate against employees and job seekers over age 40.close dialogAdvertisement close dialog/* effects for .bx-campaign-1012255 *//* custom css .bx-campaign-1012255 */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-type-agilityzone .bx-close z-index 2-ms-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin from -ms-transform rotate(0deg) to -ms-transform rotate(360deg) -moz-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spi n from -moz-transform rotate(0deg) to -moz-transform rotate(360deg) -webkit-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin from -webkit-transform rotate(0deg) to -webkit-transform rotate(360deg) keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin from transform rotate(0deg) to transform rotate(360deg) bx-close-inside-1012255 top 0 right 0 /* KD - Remove padding from video wrapper and set height to 100% */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper padding-top 0important height 100%.bx-custombx-campaign-1012255 bx-creative-1012255 .bx-wrap height auto/* KD - Change positioning to static as that was not necesaary and here you can adjust the height of the video element */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper video position static/* rendered styles .bx-campaign-1012255 */.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx- creative *first-child width 100%.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative background-color erkennbarborder-style nonemax-width 900px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx-close stroke whitebackground-color blackborder-style solidborder-color whiteborder-width 1px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-group-1012255-AFvXBOB padding 10pxdisplay blockwidth auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-element-1012255-J0EiS8Y width auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-element-1012255-J0EiS8Y *first-child padding 2px 4pxfont-size 10pxcolor rgb(255, 255, 255)text-transform uppercasebackground-color rgb(0, 0, 0)background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34)

Friday, December 6, 2019

Administrative Resume Examples Features

Administrative Resume Examples Features To begin with, however, it can help to review some higher-level ideas to create your resume fantastic and focus it on jobs in administration or company. Businesses are in severe need of admin assistants for a seamless day-to-day small business operation. Senior administrative assistant resume has professional experience category to present in depth information regarding the job profiles before. Although its important to keep professionalism when composing a cover letter, bear in mind an Administrative Assistant plays a critical role as a vital channel of communication between clients and the business. Resume samples are available freely. Therefore, a superb sample resume ought to have a ersatzdarsteller function. Dont forget to land the job, you will also must compose a cover letter. The cover letter is especially helpful in holding valuable info, together with supporting the resume with a fantastic introduction. Also, be certain your cover letter isnt hard to read by employing the ideal cover letter font Every fantastic cover letter consists of a postscript. If you have enough time, do a fast internship or volunteer at a community not-for-profit. As you start to compose fantastic resumes, it may be useful to get resume assistance from Your resume should clearly communicate to a possible employer that youre in a position to successfully carry out the office assistant job responsibilities set out in the work specification. As a receptionist, youre many times a customer or customers very first introduction to the workplace. Various businesses have different wants, and therefore there isnt one item which each Administrative Assistant employer is searching for on a resume. To find that opportunity, you will require an excellent administrative assistant cover letter. My entire contact details can be located on my CV. Candidates will need to create new means of presenting their skill set s. Ideally, you need to focus on skills that reflect your capability to take care of fast-paced workflows. Below you will discover the top skills needed to fulfill an administrative position.Pick your finest abilities which mirror the necessities of the work ad. A clear, well-structured cover letter has a critical role in showcasing your capacity to deal with the rigors of a busy office. As you consider writing administrative assistant resumes, it is necessary to identify what the resume writing activity is all about. For instance, in senior administrative resumes, you should begin with your work experience whilst in the entry level administrative assistant resumes, you need to start by writing your abilities. What You Need to Do About Administrative Resume Examples A lovely Administrative assistant resume summary is an ideal beginning to the interview session. Resume writing can be challenging. If you convince yourself which you cant locate work, you probably wont. The ve ry first step to applying for employment is making a resume. Dont forget that theres not anything more important in your career like writing to have a job. You know you wish to land that interview. The secret to successfully landing a job that you love is to make a resume that makes it possible to stick out from the crowd. The secret to successfully landing a job which you love is to make a compelling resume that can help you stick out from the crowd. Based on the essence of the role and the degree of private interaction daily, administrative professionals ought to be able to communicate clearly both verbally and in writing. Office Administrators may cause certain projects, making certain they are completed in time and within budget. Its important the the admin assistant should be prepared for such instances. The Administrative assistant resume template is an excellent tool for those users.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Career Growth at CarGurus

Career Growth at CarGurus Below is an article originally written by Kate Kalil, Account Executive II, EMEA, at PowerToFly Partner CarGurus, and published on April 4, 2019. Go to CarGurus page on PowerToFly to see their open positions and learn mora.Can I let you in on a little secret? Ive never traveled abroad. And, man, I hate Guinness.I met Wendy Harris, our Vice President of European Sales, at the August Women in Sales Event hosted at CarGurus. Wendy gave an inspiring presentation in which she shared insights into herbei career path, what she looks for when hiring sales people and challenges that she faced personally and professionally. One of the topics she spoke about was an opportunity she had to step out of her comfort zone and join a growing team and learn something new. She described this opportunity as the path less traveled. In the midst of her presentation, I started to think about my own experiences.My heart beat strong in my chest as I started to ask myself When was the last time I stepped out of my comfort zone? Was I too comfortable? Was I truly challenged? Was I flexing any new sales muscles? Or just doing the saatkorn old song and dance thats worked for me?The last time I felt out of my comfort zone was the day I walked into this office to start my new job, over 2 years ago. A sales job unlike my previous, in a traditionally male-dominated industry, I was wildly intimidated. I spent my first few months on the phone with a weak pitch and a shaky voice. I felt out of place and my quota attainment was nothing to be proud of.In buchung to conquer the intimidation that I experienced, I came in early and stayed late in order to perfect my pitch. I shadowed our best reps, took notes on industry jargon and scoured the prospecting queues. Within a few months, I had found my groove and was performing like the salesperson that I knew I was. If I had never been out of my comfort zone, Im not sure that I would have ever evolved in the ways that I did I do nt know if I would have achieved the same success without the setback.When Wendy presented the opportunity to do an expat assignment in our Dublin office everything inside of me told that I would never be able to do that. I had never been to Europe, had never lived more than 45 minutes away from my family and I was happy and content doing what I was doing here.Thats when it hit me. Again, I found myself content with being comfortable, even more so than when I first started at CarGurus. This opportunity in Dublin would push me so far out of my comfort zone, personally and professionally. I would come away from it with new knowledge, different sales tactics, a fresh perspective on a new addressable market, new friends, increased confidence in my skills and finally a passport stamp.So, I applied. I poured over information on our UK market, compiled countless questions for my interviewers, spent time with former and existing expats and spent hours preparing for the interviews. Once I r ealized that I wanted this, I approached it with the same tenacity and perseverance that I approached my sales.When the role was offered to me, it became extremely surreal. I have no idea what to expect Im both excited and scared at the same time. But what I do know is this without being out of my comfort zone two years ago when I joined this company, I would have never been pushed to achieve the goals that I have achieved today I would never have learned what I have, and I certainly would not appreciate the immense growth that has happened.CarGurus has given me much more than a paycheck. Theyve taught me about myself my abilities to learn, grow and evolve. They have given me an incredible opportunity to experience a new challenge in a new country, selling to a foreign market.I will be greatly out of my comfort zone but the fruchtwein important thing Ive learned thus far, from Wendy and from my own experience, is that with great risk comes great rewards.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Four-Pound Robots to Rove in Space

Four-Pound Robots to Rove in Space Four-Pound Robots to Rove in Space Astrobotic Technology has a bold business model to make space travel accessible to every country. The lunar logistics company recently took a big step toward that goal with its work on CubeRovers, small robotic rovers for extraterrestrial exploration and experimentation.Standard space exploration tools are behind the walls of big corporations and theyre expensive to buy or develop, says Andrew Horchler, Astrobotic Technologys principal researcher. Were working to develop rovers that can be used by university communities, companies, teams, and governments to explore space.The company has already developed its Peregrine Lander, to deliver payload to lunar surfaces and lunar orbit. The lander measures about eight feet wide by five feet tall.In May, NASA selected the Pittsburgh company and its partner, Carnegie Mellon University, to develop the new class of small, lightweight rovers. The rovers will weigh in at about 4 .5 pounds and will be produced in sizes that vary from about 10 to 20 centimeters tall and widethe better to navigate lunar and planetary surfaces and communicate their findings, Horchler adds. Theyll also contain solar panels to power their operation.To describe the rover program, Horchler called upon the example of CubeSats, miniaturized, inexpensive satellite platforms contained within 10-centimeter cubes. Developed about 20 years ago, they made low-earth-orbit accessible. Since their inception, the technology has helped standardize satellite parts as well as bring down their cost and availability, he says.The CubeRover. leumund Astrobotic TechnologyNow CubeSat components and equipment can be bought online and parts can be interchanged with each other, making satellites much more accessible, Horchler says.The CubeRovers size and standardization will be key to their affordability, and their ability to access areas of planets and their moons not reachable by regularly sized rovers, says William Red Whittaker, said William Red Whittaker, professor of robotics at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. He founded Astrobotic.Due to the laws of scaling and the concept of miniaturization, CubeRovers perform with as much computing power as their bigger brethren, Whittaker adds.Teams of small rovers can survey more efficiently than a single, large rover. Mission risks can be reduced by spreading capabilities among multiple, low-cost rovers. CubeRovers acting as scouts, for instance, can identify safe paths into regions that are risky for large, expensive rovers, Whittaker says.A big rover muscles its way over terrain while a small one can go around, not just over. They can finesse the terrain, he adds. They also have greater mobility and agility due to their small size.The light, small robots could even be dropped from spacecraft to carry out their missions and report back, without the need for the craft to land on the lunar or planetary surface, Whittaker says.An d because its small, its economical to launch. Because its standard there are common ways to deploy it. And once youre in space, there are common ways for it to be attached to a craft and to communicate and those type of things, he adds.The small rovers could be launched in pairs or teams and could communicate with each other, Horchler says.You could have one rover on a hill talking with another one in a crater that it could communicate with and send that information back to earth, he says. They can go places a large rover cant risk exploring. Because theyre affordable they can be lost.If we figure out how to power them there, they can even explore the dark side of the moon, Horchler adds.Because they have less surface area, CubeRovers can maintain lower temperatures in atmospheres, like that of the moon, where heat isnt transferred from the robot the way it would be on earth, Horchler says.Heat is radiated out when youre on the moon, but its an extremely slow and not an efficient p rocess, he says.Though the CubeSats are more-or-less cube shaped, the CubeRover design wont necessarily follow suit. A boxlike shape isnt usually the best design for a robotic rover, Horchler says.The university has been developing rover technology for decades, Whittaker says, adding that all rovers carry some CMU DNA. Last year, the university unveiled Andy, a four-wheeled robot designed to scramble up steep slopes and survive the temperature swings and high radiation encountered while exploring the moons pits, caves, and polar ice.Whittakers robotics team came up with CubeRover technology as well as its basic design. Astrobotic will continue development. The company will demonstrate a prototype at the end of the year to win continuing NASA funding for development.If all goes as planned, CubeRovers will be roving the moon, Mars, even other planets, and reporting back their findings in the not-too-distant future.Jean Thilmany is an independent writer. For Further Discussion They can go places a large rover cant risk exploring. Because theyre affordable they can be lost.Andrew Horchler, Astrobotic Technology

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to reset your brain and increase mental clarity in just 10 minutes

How to reset your brain and increase mental clarity in just 10 minutesHow to reset your brain and increase mental clarity in just 10 minutesIf you could watch your brain for just five minutes, you would probably freak about the different things you try to understand, process, analyze, retrieve, and commit to memory.Its a complex process. Hundreds of thoughts cross your mind every day.Most people have a tendency to let things build up and procrastinate until they get overwhelmed.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Success, and moreWhen your brain is restless and stressed, you will begin to fall out of healthy routines and habits.But you can fix that.Organize all things in your brain with a braindumpIf youre serious about becoming a wealthy, powerful, sophisticated, healthy, influential, cultured, and unique individual, keep a journal. Jim RohnEver wondered why historys great minds including Isaac Newton, Abraham Lincoln, Andy Warhol, Leonardo Da Vinci, Marcus Aurelius, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, Benjamin Franklin, Ernest Hemingway, George Bernard Shaw and Maya Angelou would spend so much of their precious time writing things that will never be seen by another soul?Writing things down helps you prioritize, clarify thinking, and accomplish your most important tasks, over urgent busy work.Its the best way to clear your thoughts and organize your ideas.Judy Willis MD, a neurologist, and former classroom teacher explainsThe practice of writing can enhance the brains intake, processing, retaining, and retrieving of information it promotes the brains attentive focus boosts long-term memory, illuminates patterns, gives the brain time for reflection, and when well-guided, is a source of conceptual development and stimulus of the brains highest cognition.Want to unload all of those random thoughts swirling about in your head? You need a brain dump-a repository, as it were, for all th ings YOU.What exactly is a braindump?A brain dump is an act of getting all of your thoughts out of your head so you are able to focus on one idea at a time.Its basically a time to organize everything on your mind your worries, questions, needs, wants, important and urgent tasks, and everything on your mind.Those things get stuck in your mind over time, distracting you regularly from the things you need to do.The point of a brain dump is to capture the full picture of everything you need and want to do.This is one of many ways to declutter your mind, and it can be done in a matter of minutes.Its a powerful tool for that can make you feel in control of your life.If you tend to keep all your thoughts and ideas in your head, your brain will keep bringing them up over and over, making you feel overwhelmed.You dont want that, especially if you want mental clarity to focus on your most important things every day.Remove scattered notions from your mind and get them all down, then organize a nd follow up with ease.Take a mental load off-its relaxing.Barnet Bain, producer of the Oscar-winning film What Dreams May Come and author of The Book of Doing and Being Rediscovering Creativity in Life, Love, and Work, says a brain dump is a fertile starting point for any creative project.When to do a braindumpIf you can manage it, a daily brain dump at the end of the day can prepare you for the next morning.You can get this done in 10 minutes or less.Its the best way to start your day without thinking too much about everything you have to do.At the end of each day, look back at what you accomplished, what you learned, what you want to follow-up on tomorrow, and what you want to pursue tomorrow.Aim for 5 to 10 minutes of uninterrupted time to brain dump, ideally the same time every day.If a daily brain dump is not achievable, you can commit to a weekly schedule.You can do it towards the end of each week, on a Thursday or Friday. Its the best time to review your week and musiknote d own everything you were able to accomplish and what need to focus on next week.Here are some other times its a good idea to write your thoughts downWhen you have a busy schedule it helps to prioritize your tasks.When you feel overwhelmed. It pays to take a break and reset.When you dont seem to be making progress.When you have a lot of deadlines for work.When you find a big idea. Its the best time to write down a few details.When youre making plans in life and career.When you start learning something new.How do you successfully draindump?Its a simple process.You can use paper, notecards, a whiteboard, a Word document, an electronic device any medium that will let you get ideas out of your brain as quickly as possible.Now, start writing everything down.Dont hold back and dont limit yourself. Let your brain jump arounddeckblatt everything you need to do, should do, have thought about doing, should think about doing, anything and everything without any sort of priority.What is necessary , important, or urgent?Write it all down.Now step away after the process, and take a minute break.Shortly after your brain dump session, get back to your list and start organizing the items.Start organizing your list, prioritizing, grouping everything youve written down.You may change these groups over time, so just choose the simplest ones to begin with.Mine include writing, self-development, personal projects, friends/family, and relaxation/hobbies. congratulationsYou just finished a brain dumpIts that easy.If you keep practicing, it will become a habit.This may feel overwhelming at the beginning. But youll also feel accomplished and in control with time.Regular brain dumps will help you advance goals and get things doneThis article welches originally published by Medium.How to reset your brain and increase mental clarity in just 10 minutesIf you could watch your brain for just five minutes, you would probably freak about the different things you try to understand, process, analyz e, retrieve, and commit to memory.Its a complex process. Hundreds of thoughts cross your mind every day.Most people have a tendency to let things build up and procrastinate until they get overwhelmed.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Success, and moreWhen your brain is restless and stressed, you will begin to fall out of healthy routines and habits.But you can fix that.Organize all things in your brain with a braindumpIf youre serious about becoming a wealthy, powerful, sophisticated, healthy, influential, cultured, and unique individual, keep a journal. Jim RohnEver wondered why historys great minds including Isaac Newton, Abraham Lincoln, Andy Warhol, Leonardo Da Vinci, Marcus Aurelius, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, Benjamin Franklin, Ernest Hemingway, George Bernard Shaw and Maya Angelou would spend so much of their precious time writing things that will never be seen by another soul?Writing t hings down helps you prioritize, clarify thinking, and accomplish your most important tasks, over urgent busy work.Its the best way to clear your thoughts and organize your ideas.Judy Willis MD, a neurologist, and former classroom teacher explainsThe practice of writing can enhance the brains intake, processing, retaining, and retrieving of information it promotes the brains attentive focus boosts long-term memory, illuminates patterns, gives the brain time for reflection, and when well-guided, is a source of conceptual development and stimulus of the brains highest cognition.Want to unload all of those random thoughts swirling about in your head? You need a brain dump-a repository, as it were, for all things YOU.What exactly is a braindump?A brain dump is an act of getting all of your thoughts out of your head so you are able to focus on one idea at a time.Its basically a time to organize everything on your mind your worries, questions, needs, wants, important and urgent tasks, an d everything on your mind.Those things get stuck in your mind over time, distracting you regularly from the things you need to do.The point of a brain dump is to capture the full picture of everything you need and want to do.This is one of many ways to declutter your mind, and it can be done in a matter of minutes.Its a powerful tool for that can make you feel in control of your life.If you tend to keep all your thoughts and ideas in your head, your brain will keep bringing them up over and over, making you feel overwhelmed.You dont want that, especially if you want mental clarity to focus on your most important things every day.Remove scattered notions from your mind and get them all down, then organize and follow up with ease.Take a mental load off-its relaxing.Barnet Bain, producer of the Oscar-winning film What Dreams May Come and author of The Book of Doing and Being Rediscovering Creativity in Life, Love, and Work, says a brain dump is a fertile starting point for any creative project.When to do a braindumpIf you can manage it, a daily brain dump at the end of the day can prepare you for the next morning.You can get this done in 10 minutes or less.Its the best way to start your day without thinking too much about everything you have to do.At the end of each day, look back at what you accomplished, what you learned, what you want to follow-up on tomorrow, and what you want to pursue tomorrow.Aim for 5 to 10 minutes of uninterrupted time to brain dump, ideally the same time every day.If a daily brain dump is not achievable, you can commit to a weekly schedule.You can do it towards the end of each week, on a Thursday or Friday. Its the best time to review your week and note down everything you were able to accomplish and what need to focus on next week.Here are some other times its a good idea to write your thoughts downWhen you have a busy schedule it helps to prioritize your tasks.When you feel overwhelmed. It pays to take a break and reset.When you dont seem to be making progress.When you have a lot of deadlines for work.When you find a big idea. Its the best time to write down a few details.When youre making plans in life and career.When you start learning something new.How do you successfully draindump?Its a simple process.You can use paper, notecards, a whiteboard, a Word document, an electronic device any medium that will let you get ideas out of your brain as quickly as possible.Now, start writing everything down.Dont hold back and dont limit yourself. Let your brain jump aroundCover everything you need to do, should do, have thought about doing, should think about doing, anything and everything without any sort of priority.What is necessary, important, or urgent?Write it all down.Now step away after the process, and take a minute break.Shortly after your brain dump session, get back to your list and start organizing the items.Start organizing your list, prioritizing, grouping everything youve written down.You may change these groups over time, so just choose the simplest ones to begin with.Mine include writing, self-development, personal projects, friends/family, and relaxation/hobbies. congratulationsYou just finished a brain dumpIts that easy.If you keep practicing, it will become a habit.This may feel overwhelming at the beginning. But youll also feel accomplished and in control with time.Regular brain dumps will help you advance goals and get things doneThis article was originally published by Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Will Ferrells 2017 Commencement Speech (Video) - The Muse

Will Ferrells 2017 Commencement Speech (Video) - The MuseWill Ferrells 2017 Commencement Speech (Video) You may or may not have heard that Will Ferrell belted out Whitney Houstons I Will Always Love You at USCs recent commencement ceremony. But before he started singing, Ferrell, a USC alumnus himself, had a lot of wisdom to impart on the class of 2017.When he was first starting out as a comedian, not everyone thought he was funny. While some jokes were a huge hit, he faced plenty of criticism both when he first began doing stand-up, and when he eventually joined the cast of SNL. Journalists wrote horrible reviews, fans sent in insulting letters, and yet Ferrell didnt stop- because no matter how hard it was to face rejection, failure, and worst of all, his fears, he knew he had to keep goingAnd yes, I was afraid. Youre never not afraid. Im still afraid. I was afraid to write this speechBut my fear of failure never approached in magnitude my fear of what if. What if I never tried at a ll?His honesty hits home for everyone. Well always be afraid of taking risks- quitting a horrible job, leaping into a new career, moving to a new city- and that doesnt go away (even for celebrities). You just have to keep moving forward.And thats what Ferrell did. He ignored the bad reviews and instead focused on the next joke, the next script, the next step in his career. And thats how he ended up where he is today.So when there are family members telling you you cant do it, friends doubting you have what it takes, bosses holding you back, dont give up. Because fear and failure arent always warnings youre going the wrong way- rather, theyre signs youre on your way to success.If youre now in the mood to watch even more inspirational speeches, check outHoward Schultz on three questions to ask to get ahead in his 2017 speech at Arizona State UniversityBarack Obama on finding your passion and putting it into action at Howard University in 2016Sheryl Sandberg at UC Berkeley in 2016 disc ussing the power of resilience